The Boxer's Brother Additional Content Page
Good evening readers,
I hope everyone is having a great week.
Just a short bit of news on TBB. Tonight I had a discovery meeting with a developmental editor. I have a greater appreciation of the process.
In a nutshell, should i choose to work with her, we will spend two months working on the books building blocks, my writing process and my editorial and publishing goals.
This is a very exciting prospect and I am thoroughly looking forward to starting.
I have another discovery meeting tomorrow evening, and shall make my selection between the four editors on Friday.
At this stage publication of TBB seems a few months down the road. In the meantime i have created an additional content page where you can find additional content on the book.
The content will be as teasers with no spoilers and will include concept art and characters silhouette to preserve the reader’s own impression of the characters.
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